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Services Offered

We specialize in a variety of holistic treatment services that address the root causes and not just the symptoms of pains and ailments. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

Doctor's Desk

Naturopathic Patient Visits

Initial Naturopathic Patient Visit - $400

New patient visits typically last about one hour. In this comprehensive initial consultation we will review all current and prior medical concerns to help direct your treatment plan. This will often include physical examination as well as thorough evaluation of past medical history, social history, diet and lifestyle. We will review any recent labs and imaging and determine what further diagnostic testing should be ordered. 

Established Naturopathic Patient Visit - $275

Follow-up and subsequent appointments will typically last about 30 minutes. At this visit we will assess your progress, review any labs or imaging and redirect treatment plans as needed. 


Targeted Telehealth Check-In - $60

Scientist on Tablet

Functional Lab Testing

We partner with Genova, DUTCH and Doctor's Data to provide a variety of functional lab tests. These test kits can be picked up in our office and results are provided to you. Below are some of our most commonly used tests. 


These include tests to evaluate digestive health, nutrition needs, hormone imbalances, and other health factors. The results of these tests help us to tailor your treatment and nutrition plans to your exact needs. 


GI Effects Comprehensive Profile

At home stool test. The biomarkers on the GI Effects Comprehensive Profile reflect the 3 key functions of gut health arranged in the "DIG" format: Digestion/Absorption, Inflammation/Immunology, and the Gut Microbiome.



A first morning void (FMV) urine collection. This test is way to assess the functional need for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, digestive support, fatty acids, and amino acids.


Male Hormones Plus Panel

Salivary assessment of bioavailable testosterone in circadian rhythm. Assesses testosterone, cortisol and melatonin. 


DUTCH Complete

DUTCH is a Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones and is the world leader in sex and adrenal hormone panels. 



The DUTCH Plus adds salivary measurements of the Cortisol Awakening Response to the DUTCH complete test to bring another important piece of the HPA axis into focus. 


DUTCH Cycle Mapping

This test maps the progesterone and estrogen pattern throughout the menstrual cycle. It proves the full picture of a woman's cycle to answer important questions for patients with month-long symptoms, infertility, or PCOS. 





Frequently Asked Questions

How should I prepare for my first appointment?

Please prepare by submitting your new patient intake form within 48 hours of your visit. This allows the doctor to become familiar with your case and goals before you meet. This allows your first office visit time to be maximized and directed. You should collect any recent labs and imaging you have had done and either submit prior to your appointment or bring them with you.

What should I expect from my first visit?

Your first visit with the doctor will be about 60 minutes. During this time, we will discuss: 


Current state of health and any active complaints

Past medical history

Family history

Current dietary and lifestyle habits

Other factors that may be affecting your health 

At this visit there will likely also be a physical examination and your doctor may order any additional labs that may provide further insight into your needs.

While you will likely leave this visit with a limited treatment plan including nutrition guidelines and supplementation, oftentimes evaluation of lab work is required to complete a safe, thorough plan. 

Does this care take the place of my primary care physician?

The short answer is no. While in some states Naturopathic Doctors operate in a primary care setting, in Connecticut, they are considered specialists. As such, they serve as a key part of a larger healthcare team. You should still be regularly communicating with and operating under the care of your primary care physician as well as any other specialists that may be able to help improve your care. This includes your OBGYN, Endocrinologists, Rheumatologists, Opthamologists, etc.

Do you accept insurance?

We are currently in network with Aetna Insurance Company.

We are working to be credentialed with other major providers soon. 

For patients not using insurance - we are committed to providing affordable care. For those paying out-of-pocket, we can provide a superbill which can be submitted to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Please contact your insurance provider to learn if they typically reimburse for naturopathic medicine.

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